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him to give the order to leave orbit but Taz had other plans. He watched as the villagers and alliance colonist work outside of the protected zone. Taz leaned on the armrest and stroked his chin. “They do not appear to be heeding my warning; let’s give them a little incentive. Fire two proton bursts north of the compound.”
The confused soldier looked over his shoulder at Taz, “I do not see a target,” he explained.
Taz chuckled, “That’s because there is none. Just do as I have ordered fire into the planet’s surface now.”
The solider quickly fired. When the two shots hit the ground sirens immediately began wailing and everyone outside the compound and village instinctively scrambled to safety just as Taz had hoped. Look at them scurry like the helpless little creatures they are. Taz chuckled as dozens of the deadly Nex creatures swarmed the villagers and alliance workers at they fled to safety. When one of the scientists turned to look back he tripped over a rock and was immediately attacked by the swarm of angry black winged predators. Taz laughed, he watched as the man squirm, go onto convolutions then died. Once Taz was satisfied that the scientist was dead he gave the order for the ship to leave.
It was a beautiful evening on Lazon which was not at all surprising since the
Enviromentalizers orbiting above the planet made sure every evening was beautiful. There was little time for the fifty two members of Earth’s Guardians to enjoy the sun setting in the orange lit skies. Cramped inside a small house on the countryside
J’lore informed the group of the challenge that lay ahead once Rotart carried out his plan to terra form Telderan. “If we are to meet and overcome this challenge we must act now. If we are to become the victors we cannot make any mistakes.” He pointed to a small black and white
vid screen behind him. “Vid scroll,” he said to the computer controlling the video screen. The screen behind him started scrolling through an enormous amount of facts and information about Earth. “I have an ally within our government, one who is willing to help us gain positions to obtain the plans for Earth’s rescue vessels. The second group of Guardians must prepare to go to Earth.” J’Lore pointed to the vid screen. “Anyone who volunteers for this mission must be prepared to learn everything there is to know about planet Earth. Remember if any of you are discovered you will be banished by the Lazonian Government for life.”
Every hand in the room went up, everyone wanted to do their part to help save the human race but in the end it was decided that since Syrea would soon take over as the new Chief Council to the Guardians that she would remain on Lazon. The council decided that Onan, Fantana, Lysta, Nyssa, and T’zar would be best suited for the mission to Earth. By the time the meeting ended night had fallen. J’lore walked outside and gazed up at the twin moons. He knew that time was running out and that the Guardians plan was risky. This was the mission they had waited for their entire lives. J’lore took comfort in the fact that he had picked the best and brightest of all of the Guardians. Nyssa was one of the best pilots on Lazon, Fantana, has traveled to many planets in the past and was able to adapt to just about any situation. J’lore’s selection of Onan and T’zar were easy ones, they were galactic map makers by profession and were usually off world for long periods of time so he knew they would not be missed during the
nine month long journey to Earth. J’lore knelt on one knee, whispered a small prayer and
walked off into the night.
One cycle later Taz returned to Telderan with a fleet of ships to begin the terra forming process. He knew that a week was not nearly long enough for the Planetary Alliance to send transport to bring them home. To his surprise all of the Alliance workers had packed up left the planet just hours before his arrival however packing up a handful of workers was a lot easier than evacuating thousands of settlers who had lived there their whole lives. Using ships from friends on a nearby planet the Telderans struggled to make Taz’s deadline but failed. Village elder pleaded for more time but Taz was hell bent on making the Alliance members suffer and since they had already gone the settlers would just have to do.
Taz returned to his ship and inspected the harpoons filled with the organic substance that would burrow deep below the planets surface into the soil and transform it into a beautiful more suitable planet with trees and plant life, a planet ready to construct large glistening cities and towns for billions of new inhabitants. Rotart’s materials were second rate at best and the harpoons were never tested, nevertheless Taz gave the order for the process to begin.
Omar reminded Taz that there were three ships remaining on the surface. “Perhaps we should wait Taz, the last ships are preparing to leave.”
Taz would not listen to any discussion about granting mercy to those below. “The three ships are inside the village, they will be protected from the creatures, began the process.”
Omar tried again, “Taz, no planet has ever been terra formed with living beings on it before.”
Taz turned to Omar; there was anger in his eyes. “Do not test our friendship Omar.” During the exchange two of the ships had taken off. Taz pounded his fist on the console, “I order you to begin the process!”
A barrage of harpoons from the eight Otarian ships rained down on Telderan from all sides. When the harpoons hit the surface the rumbling sounded like a thunder storm magnified ten times over. Millions of angry killer Nex immediately rose to the surface. With no target in sight the black winged killers swarmed around like bees. Omar watched the monitor as the last villager ships left the planets surface. They were still alive, but the effects of being exposed to the terra forming process would not be known for years to come.
Another cycle had passed without any further word on the Telderan Project, life throughout the galaxy had returned to normal and then it happened. Very early one morning a sleepy eyed J’lore was awaken by his vid screen. The computer generated voice said, “Pre set news scan search, one report.”
J’lore rubbed his eyes and focused on the vid screen, “Play new report.” said J’lore.
J’lore could see from the symbol in the background the news was coming from a reporter in a studio somewhere on the planet Deltor. The tan complexioned female with traces of gold flex in her skin looked into the camera. Pointing to a map the Deltorian reporter explained, “For the first time in the history of terra forming something has gone terribly wrong. The planet Telderan has broken out of its orbit and is currently drifting slowly out of our solar system. Scientist are reporting that Telderan will gradually accelerate.” J’lore raised his hand and ordered the computer to pause the report.
He thought to himself, ‘Our ancestors have been speaking to us from the grave for all of these years; the Oracles were right all along. Telderan is on its way and there is nothing that we can do to stop it.’
J’lore called Onan then T’zar, his message was simple, “Pack your belongings, it has begun.” After completing the calls J’lore watched the rest of the news report.
The dark skinned reporter in the burgundy sweater showed a simulation of what was to come. “According to our projections Telderan will rip through space at tremendous speeds entering into the Milky Way Galaxy. If the projections are correct the runaway planet will collide with planet Earth in the earth calendar year of December 2012.”
Story continues with the full length novel Escape 2 Earth.
Terror on Telderan is the prequel to the Escape 2 Earth series
Book one Escape 2 Earth
Book two Return 2 Earth
Book three Earth 2 Redemption (not yet published)
Lexicon of the Spiral Galaxy a free guide to all things related to the Escape 2 Earth Series
Murder on the Eros Star –a short story that takes place in the spiral galaxy
All titles can be found at