Terror on Telderan
Lawrence Johnson Sr.
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Planet of Doom
Copyright © 2009 by Lawrence Johnson Sr.
All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.
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Dateline 1990 Earth calendar
Thousands of space ships hovered above the ocean in the powdery pink morning skies of the planet Lazon. It was early morning on the final day of the week long ancient, annual ritual known as the Festival of Lights. In keeping with tradition thousands of ships had begun converging over the deep blue Sagatall Ocean since dawn. Each ship’s captain lowered family members inside large wooden boats down into the crystal clear waters where they spend the day preparing for the occasion. Not far away deep inside the enchanted Whistling forest a clandestine meeting was about to take place between Rayna, High Ruler of the Southern Quadrant of Lazon and J’lore, Chief Council of The Planetary Alliance. J’lore knew this would be the perfect place to meet his friend and ally because everyone would be heading to the festival. With the exception of the occasional unicorn the two leaders would have the entire forest to themselves.
J’lore was an average looking Lazonian; his dark green outfit helped him blend in with the forest foliage. J’lore leaned back to rest on a large gray boulder. He listened to the whistling leaves as the gentle winds brushed by. It reminded him of his childhood days when he would come here to play with Rayna and their friends. J’lore was lost in thought until a voice from the trail behind him caused him to jump.
“I am sorry to have kept you waiting J’lore.” Rayna stood before him; her long, blue, hooded robe seemed out of place in the woods. Rayna removed her hood as she approached J’lore. Her dark purple hair blew in the breeze as she bowed slightly. “I bid you peace.” she said.
J’lore smiled and returned the bow and greeting. The tall, slender leader of Earth’s Guardians knew all to well the risk that Rayna was taking. “I am well aware of your reluctance to get involved in this matter.” he said. “Thank you for coming.”
Rayna looked around before handing J’lore a small, black device with a view screen. “I am afraid that it’s just as I have feared.” she said. “As you know only the Apex has access to the Oracle of Lazon, so after I read the report from the Planetary Alliance I felt that my best source to confirm my suspicions was my personal astral-numerologist. After meeting with him I decided to contact you.”
J’lore shook his head as he read from the tiny screen. “It’s worse than I thought. Since the Otarians broke away from the Planetary Alliance Rotart’s poor leadership has plunged his entire world into ruin. If your information is correct, and I believe that it is, Rotart will attempt to terra form Telderan and claim it for his people so that he can try and clean up his mess on his home planet of Otar.”
“Yes,” Rayna agreed, “but Rotart forfeited his rights to all of the Alliance’s desolate planets and all of his benefits on the day he turned his back on the Alliance. To make matters worse he does not posses the technology or the knowledge to properly terra-form anything.”
J’lore handed Rayna back her device. “Has the Planetary Alliance contacted him?”
High Ruler Rayna shook her head, “They have made several attempts to contact him and several other high ranking authority members on Otar but thus far there has been no response.
J’lore caught a glimpse of one of the unicorns grazing off in the distance. He could hear the birds singing in the tree tops high above while the gentle, continuous, breeze whistled through the leaves. Standing in the surroundings of beautiful trees, exotic fragrant flowers and plants made it difficult for J’lore to concentrate.
‘I need to focus,’ he thought to himself.
J’lore turned back to Rayna, “If the Alliance cannot stop the Otarians they will have no choice but to evacuate the colonists before Rotart begins the process. No planet has ever been terra-formed with life forms on the surface but I don’t understand what that has to do with me or Earth’s Guardians; there are no humans on Telderan.”
Rayna, lowered her head attempting to hide her eyes. The wave of sadness that washed over her caused her eyes to turn gray. It was nearly impossible for the females of Lazon to hide their true feelings; their emotions were always detected in their eyes.
J’lore moved closer and tilted his head to get a better look at her face. “Rayna, we have been friends for many years. You know that I and the other Guardians have taken an oath just as my ancestors before me have done. Your position as High Ruler of the Southern Quadrant of Lazon has not changed the way you feel about the humans; I know that in your heart you also want to protect the human race from becoming extinct just as much as I do. Please, tell me what’s going on.”
Rayna took a deep breath and lifted her head slowly. “Earlier I told you that as High Ruler I only have access to an astral-numerologist however, the Grand Apex has been told by the Oracle that Rotart’s attempt to terra form Telderan will have catastrophic results. The planet will spiral out of control then ultimately out of this galaxy and…..onward…. toward the Milky Way Galaxy. It will eventually rip through space and smash directly into your beloved planet Earth.”
J’lore was stunned by the news; he grabbed Rayna by the shoulders and starred her in the eyes. “This cannot be, are you certain?”
Rayna nodded slowly, “I am so sorry my friend but the Grand Apex himself has consulted with every leader in the Planetary Alliance who has in turn consulted with each of their planet’s Oracles. Telderan and Planet Earth will both be destroyed.” Rayna was surprised by J’lore actions when she presented him with the bad news. She gave him an inquisitive look. “Why are you so surprised J’lore? You and the Guardians have known for sometime that this day would surely come. It was told by your ancestors. The story has been foretold by the Guardians of old. Throughout generations since the days when our ancestors crashed on Earth and help build the Henge of Stone it has been prophesied by the Oracles.”
J’lore seemed to be only half listening to Rayna, he paced around inside the clearing then turned to her and spoke in a soft, somber tone. “I was hoping that they were wrong.” Rayna felt sorry for the Earth’s Guardian leader. She knew that he was a strong leader and she hated seeing him feel so helpless. Rayna caressed his cheek; she knew that without her help there would be no way for the Guardians to keep the promise made to their ancestors, no way of saving Earth from total annihilation.
“J’lore, all is not lost my friend. If what I am about to tell you is ever revealed to the Alliance or the Grand Apex I will be stripped of my title and sent to The Island with the rest of Lazon’s criminals. I will be branded a traitor.” Rayna voiced her concerns.
J’lore bowed and took her by the hand, “You have my word.”
Rayna looked around, she inched a little closer to him and in a soft voice she told J’lore one of
the Planetary Alliance’s most guarded secrets. “Several years ago the Alliance voted nine to eight against saving the human race from extinction in the year 2012. The nine who voted against saving the earthlings felt that the human race was far too violent to exist in our galaxy on a new Earth. Once Otar left the Alliance another vote was taken and the members were dead locked 8 -8 so they decided to terra-form one of the desolate, uninhabited planets and give it to the Earthlings along with plans on how to construct the enormous vessels needed to transport them out of harms way and to their new home. Maps to guide them to the portals above Earth and the flash lanes were also added. However since the tie could not be broken the Planetary Alliance decided to implant this